January 19, 2025
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
2680 H D Atha Rd Monroe, GA 30655
Are we already suffering through the Day of the Lord, that time where God will pour out His wrath on the earth? The church at Thessalonica thought it was happening all the way back in the first century. They were facing heavy persecution and had become discouraged, but Paul wanted them to know that as bad as things were, God was still with them. He would strengthen them, and on a day of His choosing, He would repay those who troubled them. That day would be like nothing the world has ever seen, but Christians will not go through it. We have been saved from God's wrath.
This week at 10:45 am, we will explore the Day of the Lord and the rise of the Antichrist, who opposes God and sets himself up as if he is God. Knowing what the world will face, we should be eager to share the love of Jesus with everyone we know.